Sunlight and Semiconductor Biology: A Journey into Your Quantum Self
Embark on a transformative journey into the fascinating world of semiconductor biology, exploring how light, water, and magnetism shape your health and well-being. This course, based on the groundbreaking work of Dr. Kruse, delves into the science behind your quantum self.

by True Software

Module 1: Challenging the Paradigm
The Body Electric
Discover how Dr. Kruse challenges the biochemical model, introducing the idea that your body functions as a semiconductor, similar to electronic devices.
The KT Event
Explore the significance of the dinosaur extinction event, and how it shaped mammalian biology and our relationship with light.
Module 2: Light as Fuel


Beyond the Visual System
Learn how light’s impact extends far beyond vision, playing a fundamental role in your health and energy production.


Timing is Everything
Understand the importance of circadian rhythms and how specific wavelengths of light at different times of day influence your hormone production, energy levels, and sleep.


From Sunlight to Cell Power
Discover the link between sunlight, melanin, and mitochondrial function, and how this impacts your overall health and well-being.
Module 3: Water – The Matrix of Life
Beyond H2O
Explore the unexpected complexity of water and its vital role in structuring and organizing life at the molecular level.
The Deuterium Dilemma
Understand what deuterium is, its impact on mitochondrial function, and strategies for reducing deuterium intake through location and water choice.
Module 4: The Quantum Human
A New Model of Biology
Challenge conventional biochemistry and embrace a new model of human biology that incorporates light, water, and magnetism as fundamental elements.
Quantum Coherence
Discover the implications of quantum coherence and its role in how living systems function, from cellular communication to the connection between humans and their environment.
Rethinking Health and Disease
Explore a quantum perspective on health and disease, understanding how disruptions in the body's natural electromagnetic balance can lead to chronic conditions.
Sunlight and Semiconductor Biology: A Study Guide Quiz


Explain the significance of the KT event in the context of mammalian evolution.


What is the role of melanin in the human eye, and how does it relate to semiconductors?


Describe how water acts as a capacitor in biological systems.


What is the relationship between cytochrome C oxidase and water production in mitochondria?


Why is deuterium depleted water considered beneficial for mitochondrial function?


Explain the concept of “quorum sensing” in relation to the microbiome.


How does red light impact mitochondrial function and overall health?


Describe the connection between bone health, copper ions, and semiconduction.


What are the potential implications of long-wavelength light exposure on blood viscosity?


How does the understanding of semiconductor biology challenge the conventional view of UV light as a toxin?
Essay Questions
Discuss the implications of Dr. Kruse's analogy of the human body as a "wireless system" connecting the cathode ray of the Sun to the anodes within us.
Analyze the ethical considerations of using technologies like the "human charger" earplugs that emit white light, taking into account Dr. Kruse's perspective on light and semiconductor biology.
Evaluate the validity of Dr. Kruse's claim that the understanding of semiconductor biology can revolutionize the treatment of complex brain injuries.
Compare and contrast the roles of chlorophyll and hemoglobin in the context of semiconductor biology, discussing their importance in different evolutionary periods.
Critically examine Dr. Kruse's assertion that conventional medicine misunderstands the role of mitochondria and water production, and explain the potential consequences of this misunderstanding.
Unlocking the Secrets of Your Quantum Self
Congratulations! By completing this course, you've embarked on a journey of self-discovery. You now possess a deeper understanding of how light, water, and magnetism shape your health and well-being. Remember, your quantum self is constantly interacting with the world, and by embracing this knowledge, you can optimize your health, achieve greater vitality, and unlock the secrets of your true potential.